Giovanna & Bret | Vintage Engagement Session

When we met Giovanna and Bret, they mentioned the idea of shooting their engagement session at The Thomas Edison National Historical Park in West Orange, NJ, where they had one of their first dates. Thrilled at the idea of working in such a unique location, we quickly got to work scheduling it with the parks coordinator. We were so excited! The day of the session could not have been more perfect, with such beautiful and warm weather. Giovanna certainly had it all thought out with her amazing choice of outfit - a nice vintage feel, perfect for this location. We started in Edison's Chemistry Lab after a few minutes of gazing around the room in absolute awe. It really is quite an experience to work in such a space; full of antique bottles, pipes, lights and precious breakables! Giovanna and Bret were great models, even when they were completely distracted by all the history surrounding them. ;)

We had such a great time shooting in room after room of this awesome place. We ended the session outside, which was equally as cool with the tall buildings, old green windows, and beautiful brick archways. What a fun session and an adorable couple. We hope you enjoy seeing these photos as much as we enjoyed capturing them! 


Naomi & Larissa





Gloria and Diane Goodwin(non-registered)
Great Photos
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